Give your prospects what they are looking for

ReviewBiz is the only service that has integrity built-in. Every single piece of customer feedback that your prospects will see is independently validated and moderated. That means it is authentic and completely trustworthy, and therefore more influential because your prospects know it’s credible.

All the contact points between you, your customers and your prospects happen on your website, so the whole process is about you. When your customers provide their feedback they are talking to you, which makes the content more rich and personal compared to 3rd party services. Our reviews and case studies, provided through our managed process, will give your prospects exactly what they are looking for; the confidence in knowing if your business is right for them.

Independently validated and moderated

The reviews about you that your prospects will read or view are completely genuine and authentic. We make sure all submissions are from who they say they are, and that the author stands by the content. We also protect you from users who would submit content that isn’t a fair reflection of your products and services or downright malicious. It all happens as part of our managed process. The integrity is built-in.


The ReviewBiz widget sits on your website (we recommend putting it on your homepage) and is displayed in your colours. It’s where your prospects find your customers’ feedback, which can be both text and video format. It’s also where your customers make the submission and also where you can say thank you. Everything behind the scenes is managed by us.

Case studies

Our co-branded case studies service takes care of the whole process; From gathering the information from your customer, all the way to delivering the final item in various formats so you can use them in a number of ways. We can even provide you with printed copies if required. All you have to do is have a conversation with your customer.


The ReviewBiz Widget

Our widget enables your customers to provide feedback on your website. This can either be written text or video-based reviews; it’s just so easy for them. Once the submissions are validated they are published and displayed in the same widget on your website (for example see our own widget on the home page). It also allows you to send a message to the provider to thank them, which we would always encourage, so it’s incredibly easy for you too.


Case Studies

Gathering the information and preparing case studies can be a real drain on your resources; sometimes it can be hard to prioritise it over other pressing tasks. But you know that a shining example of your best work, endorsed by a very happy customer, is so hugely valuable. These are worth their weight in gold when it comes to convincing your prospects that yours is the right business for the job.


Validation & Moderation

All of the content that is provided by your customers is subject to the ReviewBiz validation and moderation protocol. This is the cornerstone of our promise. When we say that our process has integrity built-in, it’s because it has been designed around three core principles that provide authenticity and guard against misuse.


Getting Started

To get started using Review Biz, simply choose the package you prefer from the dropdown, then register your business by filling in the form with your details and click Confirm and Go to payment.
